Here are some stills from the film - you can download the whole film at the bottom of the page.
British TV viewers will probably remember this movie, since the BBC used it for test transmissions. In those transmissions a number of films was broadcast every day in the early seventies so technicians could adjust the new color tv's they installed at customers homes.
*new* We now also have several other films for you to look at, among them an Evoluon commercial from 1981 for download at the bottom of the page. It was found on an old video tape by the classic video and audio recordings collectors of Gouweloos scroll to the bottom of the page for it.
Download the film
For the fan with a fast internet connection we have made the entire film available. It is a 125MB mpg file in VideoCD format that can be burned to a disk with Nero so that it can be played directly on a DVD or CD-i player.
Click here to download the movie
Youtube links for the Evoluon film: part 1 part 1 part 2 part 2
Other films
Click here to download the Evoluon Commercial from 1981 (Dutch language)
The construction of the Evoluon in 1966 was filmed by Theo Hagenberg. His film is on Youtube in three parts. Look at them here:
Theo Hagenberg also filmed the celebrating of the 75th birthday of Philips on sept 24th 1966 and the opening of the Evoluon on that date. This film is on Youtube in two parts:
The Senster